



Sunday, April 1, 2012

Things Going Smoothly?..... Naaaaah xD


Another post so soon, didn't think it's possible.
Saturday was an eventful day, kinda(welp, compared to how I've been living for the past week, yes it was). The day started at 7 a.m. getting ready for the SNU Buddy Olympics, which began at 9:30.

I got a crowded'place'get'me'out'of 'here'fast attack and just lay around until lunch. Well, I did try to participate in a game and failed miserably *shocking*. Here I was fooling myself that I can handle crowds AND sports at the same time, bad idea.

I didn't really enjoy the event so during the lunch break I took my stuck'up (according to Andrei) ass back to the dormitory, had some  food, read and took a nap. I woke up from my hibernation state at about 3 p.m. and lazed around(maybe read too, I'm not the most lucid person after sleeping so I don't remember) until 4.30 when the event had finished and Andrei called to see if I wanted to go to Rainbows & co. in Ichon. As I was ready to get out of the room, I received a message saying that those who got the message can participate in the EXO Showcase( I registered  for it but hadn't got anything until then) and to proceed to the entrance. 

I was flailing and panicking because the showcase was starting at 5 p.m. and the venue was 40 minutes or so away. I took a cab, spent the amount I use for food for a day and got to the venue 10 to 20 minutes late and the security refused to let us in (there were other people in the same situation).

After negotiating(aka whining) coming from a group of Chinese girls they let us in so I quickly sat on the stairs as soon as I saw that no more seats were available. Luckily, no one was brave enough to throw out the wild waeguk so I was safe, even though there was some staring. To my surprise, Leeteuk appeared on the stage as the MC for the event.(scratch one off the list, 10+ to go, why you make it so hard Super Junior T_T)

The Showcase was more like a live version of the teasers, there were no full songs besides History,  the title track and maybe What is Love. They had a Q&A session where I found out that Tao(le martial arts suspicious'looking, sporting some fab dark circles sir) is the king of aegyo. 

They were gorgeous and I was greatly entertained( also realized Lay is just as talented at talking in Korean as I am, yusss I feel better about my potato moments now). I also hope to see them again soon. I admit that at first I liked them partially to troll my friends, but now that I've seen them I think they're pretty good, and the album will be amazing if they put in the songs which were in the trillion teasers(something else I found entertaining instead of annoying, I think I might have some issues). 

(le big poster outside and le fail selca with Lay in the background hurr hurr)

As everything was over and I got out of the hall, Super Junior's van left the venue as well, with 5+ fangirls running after the car screaming for their Oppar......(and you wonder why everyone thinks you're cuckoo in the head)

Anyway, I got some stuff to keep as a souvenir and ended up with Kai's nipple on a tumbler (still better than on a mouse pad which I'd see every minute or so; I'm thinking of starting to collect them (tumblers not Kai's nipples for you perverts out there) and a phone strap(which is also graced with Kai's nipple*facepalm*, have you people no other pictures?)

So that's about it, I shall update again once something interesting happens.

p.s. It's April!


Haaaaaiz! It's about time I wrote something I guess ^^;

So not much has happened lately(and I have pictures to prove it, if you know what I mean :>). Friday was my birthday, so we went out, first to Yeoido then Ichon. In Yeoido we got some sandwiches and what I like to call  Cocoa Milk(which makes me homesick but it's sooooo gooood). It was fun, Andrei looked up on the Internet stuff that happened in the 30th of March, then february 5th and laughed my ass off when he discovered he was born in  the same day as Gica Hagi. 

After surfing 9gag and scaring away some ajumelas and other customers with my teary laugh when trying to explain to Andrei about an earlier post (sorreh nenea Kim ;_;) our stay was cut short because Andrei told Anca that we're going to Ichon and we'll meet her there (after I told him I didn't want to leave yet).

I was sulky the whole way to the cafe but once we got there rainbows started flying all over. The waiters there are the fairyest(no, I didn't misspell) people I've met. It is humanly impossible to go there and still be upset about something. All they're missing are some fairy wings and magic wands. Andrei couldn't keep his mouth shut and told them it was my birthday, so they brought me a piece of cheesecake. 
Anca arrived some time later and Andrei introduced her to 9gag as well, so our evening was spent watching our monitors and gigglesnorting every 3 minutes(and I wonder why Koreans are uncomfortable with foreigners).

I got presents from both Andrei and Anca, which was a surprise because I didn't expect anything as my  plan for the day was to stay in and be homesick/foreveralone, so thank you guys!*hugs*